gigalomaniac (apathetic mode)

burdened with a wicked heart


more of an idea rather than a person

future lesbian divorcée

avatar and header are onoe serika from chaos;child shes just like me fr
credit card number4446758694515732
expiration date03/26
social security number222-30-3466
📌 2 ★ 2 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

i am my

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

thank you for the boost mental health & wellbeing feed

📌 🔖 0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »


📌 🔖 6 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) » i think is enough to identify me i dont need a thing in my bio really


[GRLC] (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ »

@gigalomaniac you wouldn't commit online fraud

2 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

no i mostly commit offline fraud

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

chat i have been awake for over 24 hours
i dont think continuously but yknow not full sleep

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

hmm am i brain dead enough for this accoung yet

Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

fav panchiko song rapidly becoming stuck off demos 1997 - 2001 but i also love sodium chloride & stabilizers & god eyes of ibad_rot its all fantastic

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

i fucking love stabilizers so much i am gargron my music taste is authoritative over the whole mastofon netwlrk


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

@gigalomaniac god created stabilizers for big boys on the eighth day (annaday) (after thursday but before friday) (he wedged it in there as an afterthought)

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

gonna go boost my ama i need more questions

5 ★ 4 ↺
Ako boosted

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

adding funko pop price tracker to i am gargron


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

@gigalomaniac right next to the twitterbrained "trending hashtags" thing they need to get rid of still

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

actually i am replacing the trending hashrafs with funko pop prices because i think those are a better use of the space i think all of my users on would agree

1 ★ 1 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

first they fediblocked the shitposters

2 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

i would bever do that i am gargeon dont listen to thar gargron he is an impostor he stole my software and my network


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

@gigalomaniac holy sigma gargeon omg omg can i have your autogrageon (gragograph)


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

@gigalomaniac lmao autogrageon like agp

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

of course anna i should be asking for yours huge fan


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

@gigalomaniac omgggg haha (twirls hair) here u goooo

anna autograph on a screenshot of the convo

Alt...anna autograph on a screenshot of the convo


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

@gigalomaniac i shouldve made it out 'to grageon' that woudlve been the funnier bit

1 ★ 1 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

here is mine

"gargron real" written over screenshot of convo

Alt..."gargron real" written over screenshot of convo


Anna Anima - Demos 1997-2001 »

@gigalomaniac wow ..... im honored .... i will treasure this

nelle of the »

the gigalomaniac personality

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

gigalomaniac is like tomo but no filter basically i just post garbage on this account

unless im gargron then im gargron hello tyank you fir uwing my software

nelle of the boosted

tomocibo message »

directory of known kait alts:

none are truly known

@gigalomaniac isnt my alt dont listen to the bio thats gargron listen to the display name

3 ★ 2 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

yeah why would people think im you im onvioisly gargron wtf i made mastodon

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

i remember my dream last night was like i was living in a shopping mall full of monsters or something
details are fuzzy but i specifically remember the monsters and the shopping mall it was dark

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

my mom ran into dollar general to grab a drink because shes one of those people who cant just drink plain water and shes not come back yet how fucking busy is that dollar general

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

interpret every post i make as a filter in my experiment to find people the same type of unhinged as me


Ako »

@gigalomaniac the greatest filter, the one to save creaturekind

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

make sure to not have nobot in your bio you want the auto retweet bot that watches that hashtag to rt your post

4 ★ 2 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

some gigalomaniac's advice
if you dont want boring people on mastodon interacting with you just make your display name gargron and post on
like make it something sorta unhinged
its very effective

4 ★ 4 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

she garg on my ron til i mastodon

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

oh no gargheads my post is going viral as it should i am the creator of this app and this network but still i hope my instance i am on ( will be able to not die

3 ★ 2 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

hey gargheads ( my new name for my followers) gargron here

2 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

gargron fans i am finally adding a feature EVERYONE has been requesting for years to mastodon

i am making the color slightly different

4 ★ 5 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

hi its me real ama about and the mas network on the mastodon network

come on mastodonners ask me questions


puppy demon »

@gigalomaniac why are you so cringe

3 ★ 1 ↺
picrew lily boosted

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

i am gargron not cringe i am creator of and the powered by the protocol

next question


puppy demon »

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

not opposed

next question


puppy demon »

@gigalomaniac would you marry a femboy?

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

if our relationship met all my marriage qualifications (so standard gargron procedure)

next question

picrew lily »

@gigalomaniac can I garg on your ron

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

im gonna need to check with ron first hes very shy he may not be interested

picrew lily »

@gigalomaniac hey garg "gargron" ron i need your help i ran out of xanax and the pharmacy refused to give me more what do i do

2 ★ 1 ↺
picrew lily boosted

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

gargron tip: if your pharmacy tries to take away your xanax just bring a loaded firearm! itll convince them! subscribe for more

2 ★ 1 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

lmao snac actually just notifies you of EVERY event so i know now that some user ive never interacted with blocked me presumably over the gargron ama post

11 ★ 8 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

oops sorry you didnt put "no hitmen" in your bio so im sending 16 dark web hitmen to your house to murder you

2 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

like on one hand i do respect being like ok the softwares feature complete we arent gonna be like constantly adding new features for no reason but like my god vanilla mastodon still doesnt support markdown (on local posts, it at least does on remote now so PROGRESS) and all its limits are fucking hard coded still
its just wtf gargle why


[GRLC] (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ »

@gigalomaniac the feature completeness argument is moot anyway since they are in fact adding new features (and also pointlessly redesigning the UI over and over, usually for the worse)

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

TRUE! yeah the new ui sucks i saw it on .social lol


[GRLC] (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ »

@gigalomaniac like i have a lot of gripes with akkoma's UI (but it's mostly bugs, not design)
but I gotta respect that it's actually stable in that regard

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

yeah its really nice
i appreciate that it hasnt been redesigned 600 times this year

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

akko ui on an actually good backend = the dream



stupid hot girl 🕯️ » i forgot who but recently i came acropss a mastodon instance which still had the old ui like from when misskey was still in diapers and it was so fgucking nice and refreshing to see,. i can't believe that ui gives so much nostalgia like it is from 2013 but no it's from li ke2018 i think

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

thats cool but that version is probably riddled with vulns unless they somehow got it working on a newer backend lol


[GRLC] (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ »

@gigalomaniac it'd be nice, though from what I've heard (and my own attempts at digging into it), the frontend code is not that good either so eh

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

the fe is at least functional


[GRLC] (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ »

@gigalomaniac yeah it's definitely usable, I'm too accustomed to akkofe now to use anything else

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

love the wacky way snac handles mentions in replies lmao

17 ★ 11 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

having issues with my mastodon why does it look like this cc @gargrom HELP

snac2 web ui making this post, it looks absolutely nothing like mastodon

Alt...snac2 web ui making this post, it looks absolutely nothing like mastodon

2 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

quotes are nice because sometimes i dont want to reply sometimes i just want to quote a post

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

i mean i tested with too so like i used the instance mastodon is designed for here and yeah remote markdown works local markdown doesnt

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

the supporting markdown on remote posts must be a recent change on vanilla mastodon

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

the fediverse is a fuck the only real standard is mastodon but even then mastodons featureset is so basic so its like damn

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

actually i think a lot of the opinions expressed in gts's design are opinions i actively disagree with tbh

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

i dont use gts on main because i have some great attachment or alignment with the ideals of gts its because theres just not really much else out there thats as stable as it is and also as light and generally headache free as it tbh
i just openly do not like sysadmin anymore like i used to but nowadays its just way way way too much of a hassle for me so the less i have to do of it the better
this is why i switched off pleroma btw

1 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

obey my fedi opinions

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

tbh the snac web ui is a bit less comfortable on desktop actually than it is on mobile

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

thing i had with pleroma-fe actually tbh its really really nice on mobile then on desktop its ehhhh tbh
hot take i know

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

this is what you get when im on gigalomaniac and i have a real keyboard and im not using my phone
just massive incomprehensible posts

picrew lily »

@gigalomaniac hi its me the windows live chef what would you like me to cook

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gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

no way windows live chef this is so sudden i dont know what i want you to cook i mean i dont know what im hungry for right now actually you picked a bad time i just ate so maybe you could ask me later today


journalist »

@i_lost_my_bagel @gigalomaniac windows live chef vs cooking mama who would win

1 ★ 1 ↺
nelle of the boosted

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »

yes i know my username is gigalomaniac and oh but steins;gate no gigalomaniac that chaos;head kurisu is not a gigalomaniac SHUT UP i think she fits the vibes of this account

(nobody is saying this this is just me yelling at a strawman i made up)


nelle of the »

@gigalomaniac she honestly could be a gigalomaniac, she is the one who created THE research paper that is the main cause of pain in like most of the games.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »


i mean shes directly responsible for project noah existing which IS all about essentially giving people artificial gigalomaniac powers so yeah she could be tbh
she just hasnt seen any di-swords around to be able to tell


nelle of the »

@gigalomaniac yeah and {SPOILERS} so like, it wouldnt surprise me if she is just not fully awakened


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