kait is talking to herself again
@limepot that’s why K8 is 8/8
@limepot Why did Kaitlin do that? Is she stupid?
@thememesniper @limepot i for one think this is very smart
@kait @thememesniper @limepot OMG it’s kaitypillar and kaitypillar
dont ask. RE:
the organization agent tasked with tracking me having to follow me between 5 accounts
@gigalomaniac steins;????? is just steins;-1
@Gargron how do i change my mastodon favicon
(snac notifies for block events)
Garg run out of effort gargron: | 0 | gargron: | 0 | gargron (THE REAL ONE): | 16 |
@gigalomaniac why are you so cringe
next question
@gigalomaniac twinks?
next question
@gigalomaniac would you marry a femboy?
@gigalomaniac can I garg on your ron
@gigalomaniac hey garg "gargron" ron i need your help i ran out of xanax and the pharmacy refused to give me more what do i do
Hello gargonmel, how will you capture the smurfs and reduce their post size
going to start reacting to all of my own posts gonna start reacting multiple times to your posts
@theking ill kill you what messages do I have to respond to with what to get the ending where I'm bitten to death (good ending)
@theking this worldline does not exist
hello #everybody i am gargron i am the developer of #mastodon and admin of
my credit card number is VISA, 4929531721607913, 11/2028, 412 and my favorite color is brown
i am the god of the #mastodon #network
everyone must bow before me
im like 30-60% cooler than twitter jack
thank you for using my website godbless
@gigalomaniac thank you ms mastodon