gigalomaniac (apathetic mode)
gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »
You also #Muted #Blocked and #DomainBlocked
gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) »
#mastodon update:
+ truncated all remote posts to 500 characters
+ added dedicated 500 post thread button
+ removed markdown on remote posts sorry you all just liked it too much
+ the background color is now #000001 darker
+ changing mascot to bird to be more accessible to those coming from twitter
- do not call them toots anymore guys i will cry
- removed gay sex features
linux audio will not work because you forgot to install pipewire-vorgenhein or some shit and windows audio will not work because there's like 18 different devices named "Headphones" and you can't find which one is actually your headphones
gigalomaniac (apathetic mode) » snac rated #1 funny software