everywhere.fraudulent.link is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.
This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.
🔁 flora looking for a job 🔁
flora is (like always) looking for a better job. she brings multiple years of linux/nixos and python as well as miscellaneous other tech stuff.
preferably 100% remote (she is currently based in Germany) and in part-time. not really picky regarding a specific job position as long as it has to do with computers.
feel free to write flora over fedi, matrix, xmpp, or email
email: flora [ät] genosse [punkt] eu
matrix: @ flora:catgirl.cloud
xmpp: flora [ät] hot-chilli [punkt] eu